Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Why I Run

This first post will probably be my worst.  I have no amazingly witty story about how or why I joined Team Philly.  Most of my choices in life are either overly thought out or impulsive.  Joining Team Philly was one of those impulsive decisions. 

On a whim, I decided that that 2011 would be the year I ran Broad St.  Up until the kick-off, I had never run more than 3 miles.  So I needed some sort of instruction, right?  And with minimal input from one person, I picked Team Philly.  Without any knowledge of what they really stood for or who they were.  Two Broad Street Runs, a Cherry Blossom 10-miler, two Half Marathons, and a full Marathon later, I can undoubtedly say it was one of the greatest decisions I've ever made.  Team Philly is built upon the principle that they will make you into the best runner you can be.  As long as you are willing to try, they are willing to coach, support, and nurture your inner run ninja. 

So if you are new to Team Philly: Welcome.  Don't over think it.  Be excited.  Be nervous.  Be here.  Nothing you are feeling is wrong :-) Just be ready to push yourself as far as you are willing to go.  Be ready to make new friends and socialize with a wonderfully crazy group of run nerds and coaches. 

And if you are a Team Philly veteran:  WHAAAAAT'S UUUUUP?!?!!?  I've missed you.  I can't wait to swap battle stories, discuss upcoming races, and decide once and for all if Ross is somehow getting faster.  And taller.

This is going to be an amazing run season and I can't wait to run with you all.  I'll be the broad giggling while she runs.



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