City: Philadelphia
Years Running: 3
Why did you join Team Philly: To run Broad Street. I wanted to train, but I knew that if I didn’t join a group and be held accountable for working out that I would just sit on the couch and do nothing
What are your running goals: To run three half marathons and
improve my pace
When not running, what are some of your hobbies: Knitting,
crafts, and baking. Yup I know that I am one step away from cat lady status
Have you had any breakthroughs in your training since
training Team Philly: I know that I am only limited by my mind
Overcome obstacles: Procrastination and my inability to
motivate myself to stick to some form of a work out plan
Have you achieved any goals you thought impossible: Many. I
completed a marathon (something that I will not do again, but hats off to all
of those that do), became a distance runner. But I am still a work in progress